ad and thamud

We do not believe in the Bible the way it is today. Nevertheless, a number of interesting archaeological sites still exist in Arabia that have preserved the ruins of lost civilizations, such as the Archaeological Site of Al-Hijr (Madin Slih). It is very conceivable that those individuals who established this society became the pillars of the nation and their descendents took advantage of that and maintained a stranglehold on the wealth of the nation. Most scholars interpret this as an earthquake. I believe carving out structures in hills and mountains may have been a common practice within the ancient Arabia and its surroundings based on both the Biblical and Quranic accounts. Eph'al instead speculates that the Thamd and other Arab tribes may have made arrangements with Sargon to trade in Samaria, which Assyrian historians embellished as submission. Other later Arab migrations in Iran include the mostly cross Gulf migrations of Arabs into Hormozgan and Fars provinces from modern day eastern Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States, post 16th century. [5] In 1846, many Arab Rashaida migrated from Hejaz in present-day Saudi Arabia into what is now Eritrea and north-east Sudan after tribal warfare had broken out in their homeland. There is a popular historical show in Saudi Arabia with Eid Al-Yahya where they visit the area of Madain Saleh and he definitely makes a credible case showing that Madain Saleh has indications of being built by Thamud, but being used and completed by the Nabateans. As also 'Ad and Thamud, and the Companions of the Rass, and many a generation between them. And when they did that, Allahs wrath came on them. By not on the surface, I mean that they did not exist like a proper city or open to any passer by and were deep inside some unvisited territory. According to the Quran, they were hit by a blast that destroyed them. According to the Islamic tradition, the Thamd were warned by the prophet li to worship Allh, but the Thamd stubbornly refused and as a result were annihilated either by a thunderbolt or by an earthquake. (41:13) That these are the people of Aad, is hinted by a Nabataean inscription in Wadi Ramm, at a temple dedicated to the goddess Allat. According to the Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia (OCIANA) at the University of Oxford: Thamudic is a name invented by nineteenth-century scholars for large numbers of inscriptions in ANA alphabets which have not yet been properly studied. 27:52 means that their dwellings were destroyed but visible to the onlookers and the Prophet () and the Sahaba saw them but we cannot see them today But the shriek seized them at early morning. So Ill let that one go for another article and focus on the main discussion, the Aad and Thamud. Is Thamud mentioned in the Bible? So away with Thamud! The same can be said about 7:84 where Allah SWT is telling us to SEE the end of Sodom and Gomorrah. No, not at all. The Bible does contain verses about a particular nation known as the Edomites, who did carve out structures on mountains and who were destroyed by God. [24] These tribes advanced in large numbers all the way to Morocco, contributing to a more extensive ethnic, genetic, cultural, and linguistic Arabization in the region. 3 The pride of your heart has deceived you, 14. (2). The calamity must have been fairly extensive in area and intense in the terror it inspired for it is described as a single mighty blast, the sort of terror inspiring noise which accompanies all big earthquakes.. 1. Objection number 2 is not a major problem once we consider the various factors involved. Missionaries and polemicists seize upon the error of this folklore as an alleged example of the error of the Quran, but in reality, this is not the case. [19], To the Thamd, We sent their brother, li. (LogOut/ In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. A report in the hadith collection of Bukhari makes this connection between Thamud and al-Hijr quite explicit. According to Saudi-archeology website, an academic website aimed at archiving the rock images and providing archeological information on them, the structure may have been used for holding sacred feasts. We have a good perspective of the size of these supposed tombs in this picture, as the faade has been destroyed. The Quran tells us that the people of Ad started to build altars on the high places, and even strongholds in the mountains. Also if it is in the present it makes it sound there buildings were like brand new like not destroyed etc, This is it then Im done but thank you very much for answering my questions jazzakkallah, 3. Now are they fully destroyed now over the 1400 years or are mixed with the newer nabataens, True but many people say when it says travel the land it is normally speaking about ad and thamud because they are the closest cant atharan mean just marks not marks left behind like 30:50 when it says effects it doesnt mean left behind effects because allah would mean left behind so what can atharan thanks for replying back all the time, Because even if these verses are saying thamud and AD it is saying there better than there houses but how can they if they were in advance state of decay because we cant see ad houses left so they had to be in advance stat of decay so if they were how could they be better then there houses because these verse would be more talking about ad more than thamud any hence in the verse they were mightier because ad called them selfs mightier, Arabic language has been heavily borrowed from by the Urdu language spoken widely in Pakistan and India. He sent Prophet Hud (AS) to the Aad, and Prophet Salih (AS) to the Thamud. [21] Syrians who belonged to Monophysitic denominations welcomed the peninsular Arabs as liberators. Khawiya seems to mean destroyed/overturned but the term could possibly mean ruined too. Thank you for answering my questions thanks I just have 2 more questions then Im done then ill leave it jazzakkallah Assalamualaikum I dont believe 27:50-53 is necessarily referring to their houses existing at the time of the Prophet SAW when they tell us to behold the sign therein. [7][8] In a somewhat muddled passage, Pliny the Elder, a Roman historian of the first century CE, appears to locate the Thamd at the unidentified inland town of "Baclanaza". The sentence, This structure is not only large enough and a couple more contained links. Sorry for such a late response. Allah knows best if that really happened (this event is not mentioned in the Quran or Sunnah.). The points raised by alfinlandi are very reasonable to counter the points of the article. Doesnt 14:45 talk about there dwellings were standing tall untouched, If you could get back to me that would be great jazzakkallah, 14. As for the conclusion that Ashab al-Hijr were not Thamud, I think this is rather unwarranted. Both groups of people were located on the Arabian Peninsula. The scripts used in these inscriptions is mostly Hismaic and Safaitic writing systems native to Arabia, and quite distinct from the one later adopted for writing the Quran. Saudi Arabia, in terms of archaeology, is really untouched. Marcus Aurelius Anthoninus and Lucius Aurelius Verus, who are the conquerors of the Armenians. After the given time was over, an earthquake shook the land violently and destroyed the people of Thamud in one cry. But the Thamud cut its hamstring or otherwise wounded it. Abul Ala Maududi. I guess it can be said that the Nabataeans can be considered one of the nations succeeding the people of Thamud. 'Ad and Thamud are closely connected by both Islamic and pre-Islamic sources. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. There are some scholars who say a mountain split apart and the camel walked out. They may have even intermingled to the point of losing any distinction along ethnic lines as there is no good reason or evidence to preclude the idea that the Thamud also ventured and lived in Petra and the surrounding areas. Salamun alaikum, JazakAllah. Aad and Thamud are two of several communities described in the Quran as recipients of Gods chosen prophets and being utterly destroyed for rejecting them. 'Ad and Thamud are closely connected by both Islamic and pre-Islamic sources. [5] This entire passage has been sent by Waqar. Nothing but solid rock underlies the rest of the facades. As for the wells, studies have shown that the Nabateans were experts in the field of irrigation and a lot of wells was attributed to them. Here is the summary of his opinion: ( ) which only proves that al-Hijr was also the land of the Thamud which is not a problem. who occupy the heights of the hill. For one, Allah certainly mentions that the Thamud were successors to the Aad. In fact, we even know the scripts they used! Between the mountains were valleys with gardens and springs of water. We should look at the original Arabic for word though to fully understand. However, they worshiped other deities along with Allah. Are you telling us to change our religion from our fathers relgion? the fate and remains of past generations with our eyes bcuz verse 25:37 speaks about the people of Nuh AS and it tells us that Allah SWT left a sign for mankind. A number of them branched out, which later became independent tribes (sub-tribes). They trace their lineage to Abbas, uncle of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. The video (arabic): And Ad and Thamud-it must be clear to you from their dwelling places! This has led traditional Muslim historians to place the two quite early in history, much before the time of even Abraham and Moses. A temple they constructed at Rawwafa, 200 miles north of Medina, mentions the following in a Greek-Nabataean bilingual inscription: For the wellbeing of the rulers of the whole world . [23] Arab tribes such as Banu Muzaina migrated, and the Arab Muslims in the region had more impact on the culture of the Maghreb than the region's conquerors before and after them. As is the usual case, the Christians are, 1. 7. The terror you inspire They were elites. Seriously? They mistreated the lower classes and worshiped others besides Allah. However this would not explain why the Prophet () referred to the houses as Thamuds dwellings. In sum, missionaries and polemicists contrive an accusation against the Quran by obscuring, deliberately or not, the meaning of Thamud in the Quran and its relationship to the complex array of archaeological sites in Arabia. Allah mentions how there were actually nine families that pretty much ran everything in this society. And As-Saihah (torment - awful cry) overtook the wrong-doers, so they lay (dead), prostrate in their homes, As if they had never lived there. Archeologists have put these ruins from the first century BCE and the first century CE. Its in their records, that we find out first mention of Thamud. We are in grave doubt about what you are asking us to do." [34][35] Tribalism is a significant characteristic of Arab population in Khuzestan.[36]. Suhih Bukhari_ Book of _ Virues of Al-Quran : THE FIRST PILLAR OF ISLAM: THE MUSLIM PROFESSION O _ ( Istighfar & Tawbah Authentic Dua & Dhikr: What Is the Status of Women in Islam? Or just left relics in land 6. When actual tribe of thamud perished it was the Amorites who are from Prophet Saleh pbuh, they are the original Hebrews. I dont understand this question and how it is relevant to our topic at hand. [26] The name is a misnomer from the nineteenth century, when such texts were discovered in areas associated with the Thamud in the Islamic tradition. Thanks for the article and yea I see no problem. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Also sorry with wadi alQura where is that place because you mention in your article that is the place and it is different but where is it in saudia Arabia like how far from madain saleh and where is it near because they dont show it on the maps, 4. This is the temple that was built by the tribal unit of Thamd, the leaders of their unit, so that it might be established by their hands and be their place of veneration forever with the support of Antistius Adventus, the governor. So they used to carve and not they still carve. And this advancement led to a stratified society of haves and have nots. from there I will bring you down, Even though they built great sculptures, they werent extremely sophistated people. It was He who brought you into being from the earth and made you inhabit it, so ask forgiveness from Him, and turn back to Him: my Lord is near, and ready to answer." [30], In the 12th century, the Arab Ja'alin tribe migrated into Nubia and Sudan and formerly occupied the country on both banks of the Nile from Khartoum to Abu Hamad. Syed Suleman Nadvi discusses this in Tarikh Ard al-Quran vol.2. Aad are mentioned as another Arabian tribe destroyed by God for rejecting their Prophet Hud. The absence of evidence here is no evidence of absence. The Thamd were known from contemporary sources to have occupied parts of the Hejaz region, and later Islamic tradition holds that they settled on the slopes of Mount Athlab. Also there were no prophets between Isa AS and Muhammad SAW which is another issue to clarify. Take your time and let it sink in: 1. If not, then why do we need to find the remains of Thamud? [16] It is possible that the Thamud were not one tribe, and that other tribes took on the name of Thamd after the original tribe by that name had gone extinct. Archaeologists should do their job the way they do and in case of any finding, they can confirm whether it conflicts with the Quran or not; if it does not, then there is nothing wrong to proceed with it further but if it does, then archaeology needs to be further examined however, such an occurrence would never happen since the Quran is from God. They were 6 meters tall! Salam. Later still, we find them mentioned by Ptolemy (d. 168AD), in his Geography.6. And they used to deny Our Ayat! He who had faith said (to Pharaoh and his company): O my people, I fear for you the likes of the day of the confederates, the likes of the fate of the people of Noah, Ad, and Thamud and those after them. The verses are fairly generic as there has been mention of people of Lut and Shoaib that are also very close proximity. The Qurn saysand remember how he made you succeedd and lodged you in the land. On the first day, their skin would turn yellow; on the second day, red; and on the final day of destruction, black. But unlike most of the others, these two stand out for not having any clear counterpart in the Judeo-Christian tradition a wellspring of Middle Eastern traditions, of which Islam draws in so small measure. Thats all the Thamud had to do. And God knows best. They are often discussed when Allah is directing our attention to people who disobeyed Him and were punished as a result. In other words either the evidence no longer exists (no problem) or Thamudic dwellings in North West Arabia are. 15:75 can also be interpreted as a HISTORICAL sign/reminder when referring to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Year_ May , 2021 -. The facades vary in height and in the richness of their decorations. They used to carve in the past and their present structure is not described in this Ayah. This structure is not only large enough to house several individuals, but contains benches which suggests that it served some social function, hence it can qualify to be called a place of dwelling. They lived in the kingdom of Edom, which is about 200 or so miles from Madian Saleh, where, supposedly, the Quranic Thamud lived, although the Thamud could have lived in multiple areas, including Petra 3. Even though we dont know for sure how this succession took place, I like to think that perhaps there were a few survivors from that windstorm that wiped them out. The Edomites and Thamud And they used to carve from the mountains, houses, feeling secure. [13] Robath is likely the ancient name of modern al-Ruwfa. So nothing availed them [from] what they used to earn. I believe neither are in error. It is likely, then, that most of the artifacts in this region belonged to the many generations of those who came after them as the Quran mentions. Traditionally, both the prophets Hud and Saleh and by implication, their respective communities Aad andThamud, are thought to have existed generations before Abraham, placing them well before 1300 BC (at the very least1). Im also inclined to believe that these nine families were the direct descendents of those believers who escaped the land of the Aad with Hud. Think over this in detail. The Nabateans in general: W. Caskel, amharat an-Nasab, das genealogische Werk des Him Ibn Muammad al-Kalb, Leiden 1966. harvnb error: no target: CITEREFElling2013 (. Ptolemy (d. 168 AD), describes a people called Oaditai8, bordered by Aramaeans to the north, and Thamud to the south, close to what is today called Wadi Ramm. As Dost aptly observes, thedescription [of Aad and Thamud] in the Qurn is the sum of historical memory and topographical observations modeled on the familiar configuration of perished peoples, (This is part of series on Arabia. But we can conclude from the verses of the Quran that they lived sometime after the flood of Noah and before the time of Ibrahim (AS). Then remember the favors of Allah and do not commit abuse on the earth, spreading corruption. [7:73. And when you strike, you strike as tyrants.Chapter 26, Verse 130. Re. Saudi Arabia, in terms of archaeology, is really untouched. And [We destroyed] 'Aad and Thamud and the companions of the well and many generations between them. [20] The Arabs of the caliphate accommodated many new tribes in isolated areas to avoid conflict with the locals; caliph Uthman ordered his governor, Muawiyah I, to settle the new tribes away from the original population. The shout, which is an extremely loud sound, might have caused the earthquake, according to certain scholars. Thamud were destroyed [14] The Thamd in question were Roman auxiliary troops, as the inscription states explicitly: For the well-being of the rulers of the whole world Marcus Aurelius Anthoninus and Lucius Aurelius Verus, who are the conquerors of the Armenians. They mixed with the people of Qahtan and descendants of Prophet Abraham pbuh. The general consensus among 14th-century Arab genealogists is that Arabs are of three kinds: . But they almost always have some other deities included in their pantheon. In fact they were pretty snarky in their responses. The Aad and Thamud were both located in the northwestern part of modern day Saudi Arabia near the border of Jordan. Compared to modern civilizations of this time that we live in, these were still archaic and that is just sign of the times but compared to those who came after them in the lands, these destroyed civilizations were e definitely stronger. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. However, now none may be visible and what is visible now are those made centuries later. Both. The fact that he showed them the well of the she-camel and confirmed the area as geographically related to Thamd but made no comment on the tombs shows that he knew they were unrelated to any previous Prophet. ** For what purpose is the tale of 'd and Thamd? 13. Jazak Allah, Ok thanks jazzakkallah that about it thanks but out of the 8 theorys I put down before witch one would you pick to be the best interpretation thanks and when you say (archaic) do you mean that are civilization is better then the people of AD relics or the other way round that there relics are better than are houses or do you just mean there relics are better then the mekkahans houses and madian houses etc I didnt really understand you by that bit but thanks for your helping jazzakkallah. Here is how their argument goes: The Quran describes prophet called Salih ( ), who lived in the Thamud tribe. [27], The migration of Arab tribes to Mesopotamia began in the seventh century, and by the late 20th century constituted about three quarters of the population of Iraq. Is their carved construction still there today? They were able to build great structures and buildings, They had children to carry on their progeny. The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee And you said the inside has to be bigger how big do you think it has to be inside like the inside of petra or smaller or bigger and how many rooms do you think there should of been or do you think the inside of madion al saleh is the right size sorry for all the questions but these are it then I wont ask any more questions Im justin putting them all so then thats it jazzakkallah, This is also part of 4. Do not enter the dwellings of those who wronged themselves unless you are weeping, lest you be afflicted with the likes of what afflicted them. Indeed, we see in you foolishness and indeed, we think you are of the liars.Chapter 7, Verse 66, Have you come to us that we should worship Allah and leave what our fathers worshiped? Its almost impossible to know for certain that the many tombs with Nabatean inscriptions are indeed constructed by them, especially when we know that only 15% of the area in Petra has been excavated and examined. [1] Arab tribes have historically inhabited the Arabian Peninsula, but after the spread of Islam, they began to heavily migrate and settle in other areas such as the Levant,[2] Mesopotamia,[3] Egypt,[4] Sudan,[5] the Maghreb,[6] and Khuzestan. He said, "My people, just think: if I did have clear proof from my Lord, and if He had given me mercy of His own, who could protect me from God if I disobeyed Him? Like Petra, much of the ruins are still hidden, we cant make absolute conclusions unless and until we have access to all of the monuments, tombs, structures, which are still hidden. Trudy Ring, Noelle Watson, Paul Schellinger. [9] The Thamd also joined the Roman armies as auxiliaries, and the Notitia Dignitatum mentions two units of Thamd warriors serving the Roman Empire, one in Egypt and the other in Palestine.[10]. Claim that the Edomites are not Thamud thus the verses are irrelevant. If you keep that mindset, youll go far, Inshallah. Or just left a lot of material in the land 7. The Christians are claiming that the Qurans statement about Thamud carving structures in the hills and mountains is demonstrably false as the structures are built not by the Thamud but by the Nabateans, who came much later. You may look at any tafsir, these Ayaat are general and simply refer to destroyed civilisations which may be Indus Valley (Mohenjodaro, Harappa), Sodom, and Pompeii among many others. 4. Adites conquered Iraq and Syria mixing with the Akkadians and Amorites( They are known as the people of Us, When actual tribe of ad perished Prophet Hud pbuh was with the banu thamud who are from him, they livedfrom North Arabia to greater part of Syria mixing with the Assyrians . Yet how can we prove that there was a Prophet sent to them since Allah SWT does not punish a nation without sending one? Yes, I understood but if you read my comment, youll see that this problem is addressed. Im trying to understand the arabic like why do some arabic words have al before some words when we dont use them like in verse 2:36 (But Satan caused both of them to deflect from obeying Our command by tempting them to the tree and brought them out of the state they were in, and We said: Get down all of you; henceforth, each of you is an enemy of the other,50 and on earth you shall have your abode and your livelihood for an appointed time.) in this verse in arabic it says al Shatan why doesnt just say satan instead of if translated the satan because that would sound weird or, if he should, he can never take it, or take me from hence, conquer and subdue me. 1995. International Dictionary of Historic Places. They were scientists and technicians and craftsmen, so they wanted conclusive proof. The caliphate also allowed the migration of Arab tribes to Egypt. Imagine if in a thousand years, the United States is a completely different landscape, much of it devoid of inhabitants and all of the history associated with its people are lost. Ok thanks jazzakkallah but do you think the verse can be in past tense and the verse you quote above in your article 89:9 is it talking about homes on the plains or homes in mountains and the verse makes it sound like they could see these houses in the mountions so it makes it sound like this verse is saying the tombs are thamud dwellings so how do we explain this verse or is it just saying they used to do that like ad used too do pillars in the verse before or is that verse saying as well they could still see those pillars jazzakkallah sorry to keep bothering you. [Qur'an . God knows best. Several broken columns in the ruins of Wadi Ramm have been interpreted as the lofty pillars associated with Iram in the Quran. Required fields are marked *. So, basically during the time of the Prophet (), their remains were not on the surface and only some of them were visible. you will be utterly despised. This bears enough similarity to the description of the Thamd dwellings in theQurn to induce certain authors to claim that they are the houses of the Thamd. The Bible You can find the first onehere), Thamud were before time of the Israelites they were same time as the Assyrians who they mixed with. But I digress. It seems we gonna have some proper analysis on this case, and Allah (as) knows best! A Warning to the Disbelievers and a Reminder of the Story of `Ad and Thamud. Previous ones may have fallen and replaced by Nabateans but during the time of the Prophet (), there did remain buildings of Thamud and who knows, they might still be there today but undiscovered by archaeologists. These Arab tribes have played a role in the demographic changes in the Arab world through the increase of the Arab population,[8] as well as the ethnic, cultural, linguistic, and genetic Arabization of the Levant and North Africa.[9]. As and Muhammad SAW which is an extremely loud sound, might have caused ad and thamud earthquake, to! Anthoninus and Lucius Aurelius Verus, who lived in the name of Allah and not! Youll see that this problem is addressed worshiped other deities along with Allah keep mindset... And Prophet Salih ( as ) to the Quran describes Prophet called Salih ( as ) best... Since Allah SWT does not punish a ad and thamud without sending one d and Thamd broken in! That pretty much ran everything in this society deceived you, 14 reasonable to counter the points by. Bring you down, even though they built great sculptures, they were hit by a that! Had children to carry on their progeny the two quite early in history, much before the time even... 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