christian voter guide colorado

The 2 party system has given us the Colorado we have today; and families are scared! The disgusting practice of butchery and infanticidenor the funding of this IS NOT a function of government. But Colorado law should certainly encourage and not block work. Again, this should not under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE be considered a function of government! Colorado has the responsibility to protect her citizens first, last, and always. We have not been represented at the capital when it comes to our Christian values. colorado-reproductive-health-, No. . Because Together, We Win!. Marriage should be determined by the church. Religious organizations have the right to decide who can/cannot get married, without the government involved. All welfare needs to have a work component so as to build self reliance, skills and encourage opportunities. I am unsure of your definition of basic human needs. I will be a servant leader who will bring principled and common-sense solutions to the State Capitol so that people and businesses can thrive and become the best version of themselves. I am a proponent of small government and responsible, individual liberty. My Faith Votes | COLORADO ( Pick a Different State) Pledge. If illegal immigrant, your basic needs should be met then you should be sent back to the country in which you came. Colorado energy policy should encourage private investment and competition but shouldnt provide governemtn incentives. Yes, but repeat dangerous offenders belong behind bars. I imagine that many catholics may choose not to vote for me on the grounds that my primary moral guidance is the constitution rather than the Bible and I will support that choice. In-person early voting starts Oct. 24 and runs to Nov. 8 (except Oct. 29-30 and Nov. 6). Ive written policy for the education industry and developing countries, and I understand the consequences of enacting BAD policy. Most Reverend Stephen Berg is a native of Miles City, Montana. In the absence of such direction, I should support the individual rights. By COLORADO POLITICS STAFF. I am not comfortable with current abortion laws in Colorado. Shouldnt marriage be done at the local level and in churches if they are religious? No. This can be done at the local level like the churches and non-profits. Pornography harms everyone it touches, and it dehumanizes women and children. I believe in alternate sentencing and prison education in order to give criminals a second chance at life, while also reducing crime. When possible we should always encourage work. P.O. It is our job to protect children. This idea is already in practice across the nation, with very little success, recidivism rates are 80% or higher. Per the Colorado Constitution Article V, section 34, no appropriation shall be made for charitable, industrial, educational or benevolent purposes to any person, corporation or community not under the ABSOLUTE CONTROL OF THE STATE. Moreover, I will give no sort of medicine to any pregnant woman, with a view to destroy the child. In conjunction with securing the Right to Life of the pre(& post)-born human, the government has an obligation to the mother in ensuring appropriate obligations are held against the father, and severe deterrent punishments against those committing rape or incest. With obvious exceptions such as abuse of children and minors, I dont believe the government should engage in censorship. Some say faith should be kept out of the public square, but we know this Country was founded on principles for faithful people. Criminals should be held accountable for their actions, and prevention and rehabilitation should be part of the equation. Public, private, charter, parochial, etc. 8675 Explorer Drive, Suite 112 | Colorado Springs, CO 80920. Our current legislatures have wasted our tax dollars on failing programs and senseless research. The government should have no role in the matter. As such, we encourage Christian voters to vote for men and women who will support religious liberty, work to strengthen the family and parental rights . Yes, legislation should be patient-centered and protect the rights of medical providers. I will fight to protect our religious liberties and ensure we are able to live our faith. Our tax dollars should never be used to threaten our religious rights. I am running to be your State Representative because the government has grown too big and reaches into every area of our lives and wallets. This is not the business of the state, this is an individual choice. Each value is important; however, some are more foundational and therefore require more priority. This sounds like government overreach and I am not for that, but there are and should be laws in place to keep certain unlawful pornographic material illegal to possess and distribute. Minor variations in cloud cover dwarf any effect of CO2. Join with Church Voter Guides as we connect Christian patriots and make a difference by activating and educating Christian voters. I do not believe it is the governments responsibility to step in and use taxpayer money. Certainly no one should be forced to perform procedures theyre opposed to, but neither should patients go into a medical situation expecting a certain type of care and finding out too late that they wont be accommodated. Other voting things to know My dad went Home to Jesus Christ in 1991 as a self-confessed Catholic. However, if the bill was pushed farther to infringe on the rights of religious freedom, I would disagree. I was thrilled with the results of the school board election. The diocese and its parishes provide religious education and formation to more than 9,000 students. I believe in good ol fashioned values that honor God and our families. I oppose the polices of shutting down our energy sector for the pollical agenda of the radial environmental advocates who has created policies that in-turn created the so-called energy crises. Why does government arrogate unto itself the power to take whatever it deems necessary from the people who create wealth to give it to others who do little to make others better off? This sounds amiguous. I believe that most Coloradans, and Americans want this country to honor God. Georgia - Senate - December 6th Run-off Early Voting Begins November 28 English Bilingual We believe that the greatness of America lies not in the federal government but in the character of our people. Education reform and funding is on my target list to tackle in my first term when elected. We're at a pivotal moment in our fight to secure our climate future, promote environmental justice, and conserve public lands and water. I thought that this was happening now. Voter guides and sample ballots can help you decide who you can vote for and what ballot measures will be up for vote at election time. Life is both joy and pain and you cannot relieve another of either of them by forcing your beliefs upon them. Children, by definition, are not able to make those choices without parents to help them weigh the costs. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. But while 88% of registered Democrats said stricter laws would be somewhat or strongly effective, that share dropped to 61% among non-party voters and plunged to 20% for registered Republicans. Unfortunately it has proven beyond the capacity for government to effectively and compassionately care for those needing a helping hand since Government programs are incentivized to create government dependence. Along with this and the self-evident understanding that we are all created equal has unleashed human potential. I will fight to empower parents, not teachers to make decisions on their childrens mental, physical, and spiritual well-being and hold those that circumvent a parents rights are punished to the full extent of the law. Biblical Voter offers voter guides and election tools to enable citizens to exercise their right and privilege to vote in accordance with Gods word and moral absolutes. The Diocese of Colorado Springs has approximately 183,150 Catholics in 39 parishes and missions. Even that speech which may make your blood boil. Far too often, our justice system simply throws people away and then fails to provide even basic opportunities or tools to rehabilitate and return to society. We're nonpartisan and therefore "501c3 compliant", so it's easy and safe for churches and other 501c3 organizations to share us with their members. Preventing crime is a near impossibility. Jesus is Lord of all: that includes government and, even politics! Voting Deadlines Please check back for next year's dates! Our surveys educate the electorate, giving them confidence about which candidates share their values and thereby motivating citizens to the polls. Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the churchs failure to disciple. The first way to reduce crime is to allow the growth of actual opportunities to succeed outside of criminal activity by reducing the governments taxation chokehold on the economy to pay for frivolous and unconstitutional laws and spending. Pornography is satans weapon of mass destruction, I believe the law should encourage pathways to citizenships and legal work, but I believe it is the church and private entities that should support welfare, Colorados energy policy should encourage private investment and competition and focus on sustainable solutions, Yes. And I believe the words of Matthew 25:40 do not just apply to personal decision, but also to decision made in the capacity of a public official. However, any illegal immigrant should not benefit from our government programs which are funded by hard-working taxpayers. This is a better role for charity, with taxes reduced accordingly, which will foster economic growth and create jobs. I believe in science and find no conflict between it and religion. Government can only ensure provision for basic human needs if those resources are first coerced from another, which is theft regardless of intentions. My goals are to protect the innocence of our children. The funding systems for public education needs work. I found Church Voter Guides when my pastor invited volunteers to set up a table at our church. In most cases our courts have overturned these attempts, but this battle must end. I believe that I am a responsible choice to represent all of the constituents in my district, not just those of a particular faith. By diligently learning, applying, and trusting Gods truths in every area of our lives, we can begin to develop a deep comprehensive faith that will stand against the unrelenting tide of our cultures non-biblical ideas. God-given) right to immigrate to create a better situation for themselves and their families. Green energy is not green, except in funneling cash primarily to China which, in accordance to the Paris Accords, burns as much dirty coal as it wants to produce our solar panels and windmills, which will likely never offset the power used in their production. Your ballot will also include all appellate judges standing for retention. Subsequently, he worked 14 years in the retail nursery industry as vice president or general manager for divisions of Sunbelt Nursery, Inc. in Fort Worth, Southern California, Phoenix and Atlanta. This means that state law should not include or provide incentives for abortion providers, either individual or within womens health care organizations. Most of these crimes would easily be deterred if our cities increased the number of their police officers so they could enforce the law. Remember, in Colorado, you can register to vote and vote, in-person, all the way up until 7 p.m. on Election Day (that's Nov. 2). Enforcing this would require regulating web-based social sharing publication sources like Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, etc. of Independence, etc). Immigrants must be here legally, otherwise they are subject to trafficking and exploitation in the underground economies. Ways to register to vote in Fremont County Go to or print the registration form, fill it out and send, email or fax it to: Fremont County Clerk and Recorder Elections Dept. The diocese has 82 priests, 85 Deacons and 15 men in seminary formation. Gods Word never changes. Should welfare policy provide a safety-net to improve the immediate well-being of the poor and encourage work? Should Colorado law ensure all immigrants have basic human needs, enable work, and encourage pathways to citizenship? It provides a Biblical understanding of why Christians should vote and is a great resource to equip and encourage Christians to register and vote in the elections. Parents should be allowed to use resources and tax dollars to put their child in the most conducive learning environment for child and family. Vote Under God provides information for pastors and individuals regarding voting Biblically. I believe in Individual freedom. Before the Great Society, safety nets were largely provided by the local community and local churches, which provided for immediate well-being and naturally incentivized and encouraged seeking productive work situations. This should be a private discussion between patient and Doctor, the Government has no business in this decision. If some people are not free to think, speak, work and act according their well-founded beliefs, then none of us is really free. As Individuals we are responsible for decisions we make and the consequences of those decisions. Or to religious schools that may teach actual fallacy (yes, evolution is real) placing their graduates at a disadvantage when released into a world of reality. This guide focuses on contested primary races, whose outcome will ultimately decide the contours - and decisions - of our executive and legislative bodies. I believe it is my responsibility to listen to as many voters s reach out to me and follow that guidance. I believe RHEA was for the best, given that the Dobbs decision sent the decision on reproductive choice back to the states. Colorado, is less safe, less affordable, and undereducated. Ballot Information Booklet (Blue Book) The purpose of the ballot information booklet is to provide voters with the text, title, and a fair and impartial analysis of each initiated or referred constitutional amendment, law, or question on the ballot. Marriage is a covenant between two people and their deity or belief system, its not a function of nor the proper role of government to be involved in this process and should never have been. Samuel J. Aquila was born on September 24, 1950, in Burbank, California. BOX 957736. Should the Colorado legislature pass policy that restricts pornography access? On March 18, 2002, he became Bishop of Fargo, and from 2005 to 2006 he also acted as Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Sioux Falls. Abortion is the premeditated murder of a child. Additionally, a minor child does not need a consent from a parent or guardian to have the abortion. to help voters throughout Colorado understand their ballots and helpful information about how to vote. I believe in smaller government and lower taxes, which means as a law maker, I would be less likely to redistribute peoples earnings to support anti-Catholic causes. February 27, 2023 alexandra bonefas scott No Comments . Definitely, and Im proud to be endorsed by the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition for my positions on immigration justice. For minors only. It violates our constitutional rights. It was founded in 1977 by James Dobson. He was born and raised in Grand Island, NE. Any changes should be by the vote of the people. The threat of punishment does not influence human behavior the way that our system claims it does. I would never advocate for anyones beliefs or personal expression to be infringed religious, spiritual, or otherwise. Prop. The child in the womb is a human being created in the image of God. To help you prepare for the election, the Coloradoan has compiled the following voter guide, which will be updated with race previews, candidate forum information, campaign finance reporting. But if a catholic believes that ones religious positions should not be involved in ones political involvement, please consider me. In 1999, he was invited by then Archbishop Charles Chaput to teach in the newly launched St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver, and to serve as Associate Pastor of St. Therese Parish in Aurora. Free market enterprise is desperately needed to replace the regulated monopoly system Colorado currently uses to effectively pick winners and losers. The Public Utilities Commission must also heavily scrutinized by the legislative oversight committees of jurisdiction. This is not a free speech issue. I believe this is a First Amendment issue. Bishop Golka is the fourth of ten children born September 22, 1966, to Robert and Patricia Golka. I was under the impression that Colorado did both of those now. They list who you can vote for and offer details on each candidate's experience . He is a member of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, in which he has served as a member of various committees. But only when said legislation pertains to affordable and transparent care between provider and patient. Our state needs men of God to stand against the invasion of worldly evils praying on our children. All legal immigrants should be able to work with a pathway to citizenship; however, working means making money which then should provide for basic human needs. I believe that all the gimmicky policies insurers issue should be heavily scrutinized by the state insurance commissioner to either allow or deny the sale of a policy offering. We must work to use the resources God has given us in a way that will protect the earth, but the prosperity of Gods children is also a high concern. He also enjoys helping to provide ongoing formation events for the clergy of the diocese to care for the wellbeing of his brother priests. Educational expenses should also be counted as tax credits through 85% of the per-pupil State expenditure. While there are a host of important issues at play in any election, no issue of more preeminent than the violent killing of thousands of unborn children every day in our nation. Voting is a simple, yet significant way to do something about public policy in our country. hts as afforded by the US Constitution. I am a very pro-life libertarian, which means I do not support government involvement in issues of life. If the above words are used honestly, with full intent to find environmentally friendly solutions, then that is the main issue of my candidacy. I believe victims should be protected first and foremost. Want a Voter Guide for YOUR County? If a physician finds themselves in a practice where best treatments offends their deeply held beliefs perhaps they should find a new profession. This is another area where minimum wage laws prevent those trying to return with the ability to access the first rung of the ladder to success. As a reward, Peters now faces seven felony charges connected to the stunt. I will also work with the delegation, our chambers of commerce, and agricultural agencies to urge the state department to increase the number of temporary guest worker visas during the farm and agricultural seasons. Clearly, it was never the intention of our founders that religion, and specifically Christianity, would be banned from the public square. This is a tough question: Welfare bu definition is a safety-net that is consistently abused by both recipient(s) and politicians who use the corrupted systems to garner votes. Propositions, which are law changes, only need a simple majority to pass. Ensuring thriving wages and safe conditions that promote a good quality of life for working people is of the utmost importance. He graduated from Creighton University in 1989 with degrees in Philosophy and Theology. The guide will be updated with new stories up to Election Day, Nov. 8. Church Voter Guides, based in Colorado Springs, has produced these Voter Guides for the Federal, States, and El Paso County Primary Elections in Colorado, to provide information about each candidate and help inform the electorate. The government should protect rights and liberties not suppress them. I want to work with faith leaders to restore the position of influence that our churches should have in our communities. The state should not pick winners and losers. I favor providing services to legal immigrants, and not accommodating illegals, except to return them to their homes. [1] Colorado voters can register to vote through Election Day. The vast majority of our safety net is and must be charity, not welfare. Should the Colorados energy policy encourage private investment and competition in our energy sector through incentives that are focused on environmentally friendly solutions to our energy crisis? [2] Focus on the Family is one of a number of evangelical parachurch organizations that rose to prominence in the 1980s. Bureaucrats and politicians have no vested interest in health outcomes. I worry about turning over control of health care to any government. Colorado Catholics can count on me to be their Voice in terms to fairness, accuracy and contextual awareness. Agree, but NOT in the manner in which this radical state legislature went about doing it. Whenthe citizenry do not seek to be obedient to Gods Law, they vote in wicked and corrupt candidates, who then trample underfoot theGod-given liberties of the people. But I also believe, the Earth is a gift to us from God and should be treated with respect. God gifted us free will, and I choose to endorse that gift. He was also serving as the Vicar General for the Diocese of Grand Island. No if they are illegal. From 2002 to 2008, he was pastor of four rural parishes: St. Mary in Henrietta, St. Jerome in Bowie, St. William in Montague and St. Joseph in Nocona. We need, God fearing legislatures creating and defending legislation that upholds our values. If the foundation for the development and use of more environmentally friendly sources cannot be articulated on their own merits, why should it be seen as just to have the state financially motivate people to do so? Colorado established its hostility towards people of faith with the multiple lawsuits against the Cake Baker. Unable to provide an answer due to the wording of the question. Marriage and Family: Marriage is the union of a man and a woman who together as husband and wife may become father and mother to any children they produce. Thus to claim Rights for myself, I can only accept them as conferred from God and must extend that status to others. Thus, before asking the State for money, we should ask over what or whom we would like the State to have absolute control. A voter must be a citizen of the United States who has lived in Colorado at least 22 days prior to Election Day. I honor Him in all that I do. Restrictions on Free speech even if we disagree is wrong. No $1 bails or other get of jail free cards. No the government should not be incentivizing abortion. I FULLY AGREE that work should be encouraged and would draft legislation requiring the searching and attaining of a full-time job. Blindly applying a rule book to cases always results in health care failures. Only 6% of voters in the U.S agree with 3rd trimester abortions. The First Amendment to the United States constitution was intended to protect these rights at the federal level and is affirmed in the Colorado constitution, which means the legislature MUST NOT enact any restrictions on these activities. , 1966, to Robert and Patricia Golka 1966, to Robert and Golka... Government and responsible, individual liberty joy and pain and you can vote christian voter guide colorado and details! Rights Coalition for my positions on immigration justice a table at our Church are scared for anyones beliefs personal... Be involved in ones political involvement, Please consider me affordable, and Americans want this country to God... Finds themselves in a practice where best treatments offends their deeply held beliefs perhaps they should find a profession... Needs if those resources are first coerced from another, which is theft of! Weigh the costs God to stand against the invasion of worldly evils praying on our.. 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